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+ 420 723 952 733


Domestic transportation
Our domestic transportation services cover the whole territory of the Czech Republic, reaching from small shipments to shipments utilizing a whole vehicle. Depending on the current capabilities and location of our vehicle fleet, we provide express delivery in all areas of the Czech Republic... zobrazit stránku
International transportation
More than 85% of our yearly transportation services by our company are international. Our long-term specialization is import and export transportation between Germany and the Czech Republic. We also transport cargo from 100 to 25.000 kg across all Europe. All transportation is serviced by our own modern vehicle fleet or our proven long-term partners. As well as with the domestic transportation, we offer express delivery even with the international transportation... zobrazit stránku
Express transportation
In cases where the time of delivery of your shipment is the main factor to order the transportation, this shipment is dealt with in a so called “express mode”. Typically, this would mean cargo up to 1,500 kg will be expressly delivered to the destination within 24 hours following the confirmation of your shipment or following the actual loading of the shipment... zobrazit stránku

Dokumenty ke stažení

Výpis z OR
[-- vypis_or_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
[-- eurolicence_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Koncesní listina
[-- koncesni_listina_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Osvědčení o registraci
[-- osvedceni_o_registraci_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Pojištění Evropa
[-- pojisteni_evropa_ad_urbanek_05-2017.pdf --]
Pojištění SRN
[-- pojisteni_srn_ad_urbanek_05-2017.pdf --]
Registrace pro převoz odpadů ČR a SRN
[-- registrace_odpady_decz_ad_urbanek.pdf --]
Registrace pro převoz odpadů NL
[-- registrace_odpady_nl_ad_urbanek.pdf --]


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